Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why not George

Yesterday on a drive back from Mt. Hood in Oregon, I received a "Where's George $1 bill" with a bag of Munchies picked up at a back country gas station. When the bill was entered on Where', I found it had only travelled a meer 164 miles in almost a year (not quite across the state of WA). Overall, I've noticed most bills on Where's have few entries. It mystifies me that people aren't more intrigued with that funny stamp on some bills directing them to this website.

If one is not puzzling the curiosities we come across on a daily basis, what is on one's mind? Perhaps the smallest things in life are not worth most peoples' time (no matter how short of time that may be). Both sides of taking the time for the smallest things are taking a loss.....which loss is greater? Is there a way to test the greater of the two?

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